171 research outputs found

    State of art of bathymetric surveys

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    Technological advances in bathymetric equipment, positioning capacity, data processing, as well as the development of new ways of obtaining depth and other ways of exploring the submerged bottom, have been noticed in recent years. It is known that acoustic remote sensing is the most widely used technique for depth measurement. Survey systems can be embedded on various platforms and also provide different accuracies. Coupled to these systems are also Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), auxiliary sensors and speed profilers, improving the accuracy of the data obtained. Alternatively to the use of echo sounders, optical sensing (active and passive sensors) or satellite radar altimetry can be used to estimate depth. Thus, this study aims to present an overview of bathymetric survey methodologies, as well as the evolution of the use of sounding platforms, systems and sensors and various existing technologies. In addition, the main uncertainties involved and the advantages and disadvantages of the available solutions are also evidenced, providing the reader the ability to choose the most appropriate technique


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    The representation of the submerged relief is very importance in diverse areas of knowledge such as Projects to build or reassess port dimensions, installation of moles, ducts, marinas, bridges, tunnels, mineral prospecting, waterways, dredging, silting control of river and lakes, and others. The depths of the aquatic bodies, indispensable for the representation of those, are obtained through the bathymetric surveys. However, the result of a bathymetric sampling is a grid of points that, for itself, it is not capable of generating directly the Digital Model of Depth (DMD), being necessary the use of interpolators. Currently, there are more than 40 available scientific methods of interpolation, each one with its particularities and characteristics. This study has the objective to analise, comparing, the efficiency of Universal Kriging (UK) and of the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) in the computational representation of bathymetric surfaces, varying in a decreasing way the quantity of sample points. Through the results, we can be stated the superiority of the interpolator Universal Kriging in efficiency in creating DMD with basis in the bathymetric surveys data


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    The amount of data produced in an echo sounder has grown exponentially with scanning systems such as multibeam echo sounders and interferometric sonars, providing a considerable improvement in the submerged relief representation, especially to detect hazard objects to the navigator. However, the available processing algorithms did not follow this evolution; manual processing is usually necessary or at least constant intervention by an analyst, making this task arduous with a high subjectivity degree. In addition, statistical inconsistencies are common in most of the algorithms and filters available. Thus, SODA (Spatial Outliers Detection Algorithm) was recently presented, which is a methodology directed at first for echo sounder data treatment. The authors evaluated the algorithm efficiency using simulated data. Therefore, this article aimed to evaluate the SODA efficiency for real data treatment, with a multibeam echo sounder. A number of interesting results was obtained, reaffirming the methodology strength, regarding the search for spikes in echo sounder data

    On the use of artificial neural networks in remotely piloted aircraft acquired images for estimating reservoir’s bathymetry

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    The use of acoustic systems for mapping submerged areas is the most accurate way. However, echosounders are expensive and, in addition, the equipment requires a great deal of experience on the part of the specialist. From another perspective, orbital and aerial images (acquired by RPA’s- Remotely Piloted Aircraft) can offer bathymetric maps of larger locations that are difficult to access at a low operating cost. Therefore, the present study’s main objective was to evaluate the utility of RGB images obtained with RPA’s in water reservoirs. Thus, Artificial Neural Networks were used for depth training and prediction. Subsequently, it compared to the bathymetric data from the same pond in question, raised from acoustic sensors, quantifying the vertical uncertainty through three estimators. Regarding the statistical analysis, the RMSE and Ф estimators showed better reliability. The 300-point sample showed the best quality in processing. The results showed that the methodology could improve the management of water resources. The method allows reduced execution time and lowers cost, especially for using only the green, red and blue channels, easily found in most cameras coupled to RPA’s


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    A fabricação de papel cartão utiliza produtos de madeira, além de biomassa na forma de cavacos para geração de vapor em caldeira. O processo gera resíduos como cascas, fibras e fiapos da fabricação de pasta de madeira, lodo da estação de tratamento de efluentes (ETE), coque e coque peneirado da caldeira. O poder calorífico dos cavacos e dos resíduos foi estimado a partir de análise imediata, para avaliar o potencial de reaproveitamento energético dos resíduos na combustão em mistura com cavacos. Considerando que o poder calorífico útil (PCU) dos cavacos foi de 1917 kcal/kg, analisou-se a viabilidade de secagem do lodo da ETE e das fibras e fiapos em secador de biomassa, que é possível da utilização dos gases quentes da chaminé da caldeira. Os resultados indicaram que o PCU do lodo da ETE a 55% de umidade foi de 1729 kcal/kg e a 20% aumentaria para 3096 kcal/kg. O PCU de fibras e fiapos a 80% de umidade foi de 671 kcal/kg e a 20% aumentaria para 2895 kcal/kg. A determinação do poder calorífico através de análise imediata é proposta em conjunto com a prospecção de tecnologias disponíveis para secagem de biomassa para aumentar o poder calorífico dos resíduos.

    Post-traumatic arachnoid cyst without neurological sequels: A case report

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    An eight-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with a history of left median paramedian frontal craniectomy due to car trauma at six months of age. Axial computed tomography of the skull with reconstruction in three dimensions revealed an arachnoid cyst with slight herniation of the brain in the frontal lobe, leading to protrusion against the skullcap, causing dilation of the ex-vacuum of the anterior extension of the homolateral lateral ventricle. He presented asymmetrical lateral ventricles, a reduced base cistern, and a slightly ectatic IV centred ventricle. After the physical examination, no neurological deficit was found, despite the changes identified in the images. It is believed that such conditions may progressively worsen with the development and maturation of nervous tissue over the age of the assessed child. To confirm this, specialized monitoring is of fundamental importance

    Personal que labora en el área de Rehabilitación Física en el servicio público en la zona 3 del Ecuador: Physical Rehabilitation department staff in the public service in Ecuador, zone 3

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    Introducción: La participación del fisioterapeuta en la atención primaria de salud le ha permitido ir asumiendo un papel preponderante en la búsqueda de bienestar de la población, lo que le ha impuesto nuevos retos dentro del equipo interdisciplinario, que se cumplen mediante la preparación continua y mejora cotidiana de la calidad de atención al paciente. Métodos: El estudio realizado fue de tipo descriptivo, observacional y corte transversal. Participaron 28 unidades de salud de la Zona 3 del Ecuador seleccionadas mediante aleatorización. Se aplicó un instrumento que obtuvo información general sobre la unidad de salud, y, específica sobre el área de rehabilitación y el personal que en esta labora. Resultados: De las 28 unidades de salud, 21 (75%) pertenecen al Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), 5 (17.86%) a la Policía Nacional y Fuerzas Armadas, y 2 (7%) al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS). El 54.14% de las unidades son del primer nivel de salud, el 39.29% del segundo nivel, y el 3.57% del tercer nivel de salud. El personal de rehabilitación física de esta Zona se compone de 90 (58.06%) fisioterapeutas, 30 (19.35%) estudiantes en prácticas, 12 (7.74%) fisiatras y 11 (7.10%) médicos generales. Se encontró 1 (0.65%) terapeuta ocupacional. No se reportaron terapeutas de lenguaje. El 64.29% de las áreas de rehabilitación tiene como responsable a un fisioterapeuta, el 32.14% son dirigidas por un fisiatra, y el restante por un tecnólogo en fisioterapia.&nbsp

    Uma Solução Internet das Coisas para Monitoramento de Gases Poluentes na Amazônia Legal

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    Abstract. This work presents a survey on the monitoring of pollutant gases in the Amazon using the Internet of things. For this, the prototype was developed using Arduino UNO, ESP8266/01 and sensors. In addition, the software was also developed to monitor the contents of pollutant gases and to store the information collected on a server, so that reports generated from the index history are used in later studies. Tests were carried out in three different environments and situations and from the results it was concluded that the research brings a low cost solution and applicable in the monitoring of the concentration of pollutant gases.Keywords: Internet of Things, WSN, Environmental Monitoring.Resumo. Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa sobre o monitoramento de gases poluentes na Amazônia utilizando Internet das Coisas. Para isso, desenvolveu-se o protótipo utilizando-se Arduino UNO, ESP8266/01 e sensores. Além disso, também foi desenvolvido o software para monitorar os índices de gases poluentes e armazenar as informações coletadas em um servidor, para que os relatórios gerados a partir do histórico de índices seja utilizado emestudos posteriores. Foram realizados testes em três diferentes ambientes e situações e a partir dos resultados concluiu-se que a pesquisa traz uma solução de baixo custo e aplicável no monitoramento da concentração de gases poluentes.Palavras-chave: Internet das Coisas, RSSF, Monitoramento Ambiental


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    The anesthetist plays a crucial role in palliative care, contributing to improving the quality of life of patients with serious and terminal illnesses. Although they have a tradition associated with administering anesthesia in surgical procedures, these professionals have a specialization in pain and symptom management, making them fundamental in this context. The anesthetist's main focus in palliative care is effective pain control. Using a variety of approaches, such as analgesic medications and nerve blocks, they seek to alleviate patients' suffering, promoting comfort and well-being. Additionally, their expertise extends to managing symptoms related to the underlying illness, providing relief from symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, and anxiety. An interdisciplinary approach is essential in palliative care, and anesthetists collaborate closely with other healthcare professionals such as nurses, psychologists and social workers. This collaboration aims to meet the holistic needs of patients, considering not only the physical aspects, but also the emotional, social and spiritual aspects. In addition to their expertise in symptom management, anesthetists play an educational role by providing information about treatment options and prognosis. This allows patients and their families to make informed decisions and actively participate in care planning. The palliative care anesthetist plays a multifaceted role, focusing on pain management, symptom management, and promoting the overall well-being of patients. Their integrated contribution in interdisciplinary teams reflects the comprehensive approach required to provide effective and compassionate palliative care and thus their fundamental role in providing patient care.O anestesista desempenha um papel crucial nos cuidados paliativos, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com doenças graves e terminais. Embora tenham tradição associada à administração de anestesia em procedimentos cirúrgicos, esses profissionais têm uma especialização em gerenciamento de dor e sintomas, tornando-os fundamentais nesse contexto. O principal foco do anestesista em cuidados paliativos é o controle eficaz da dor. Utilizando uma variedade de abordagens, como medicamentos analgésicos e bloqueios nervosos, eles buscam aliviar o sofrimento dos pacientes, promovendo conforto e bem-estar. Além disso, sua experiência se estende à gestão de sintomas relacionados à doença subjacente, proporcionando alívio de sintomas como falta de ar, náuseas e ansiedade. A abordagem interdisciplinar é essencial nos cuidados paliativos, e os anestesistas colaboram estreitamente com outros profissionais de saúde, como enfermeiros, psicólogos e assistentes sociais. Essa colaboração visa atender às necessidades holísticas dos pacientes, considerando não apenas os aspectos físicos, mas também os emocionais, sociais e espirituais. Além de sua expertise no controle de sintomas, os anestesistas desempenham um papel educativo ao fornecer informações sobre opções de tratamento e prognóstico. Isso permite que os pacientes e suas famílias tomem decisões informadas e participem ativamente do planejamento de cuidados. O anestesista em cuidados paliativos desempenha um papel multifacetado, concentrando-se no intervalo da dor, gerenciamento de sintomas e promoção do bem-estar global dos pacientes. Sua contribuição integrada em equipes interdisciplinares reflete a abordagem abrangente necessária para fornecer cuidados paliativos eficazes e compassivos sendo assim seu papel fundamental para fornecer cuidados com o paciente